COCAcon 2024

 November 14-17, 2024

The Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA









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Summary: The words we use say a lot. That may seem obvious, but there’s a lot of truth in that statement. And it’s not just the words, but also the context and feelings behind them. Choosing our words wisely helps us build the kind of camp culture we aspire to create.


  • Participants will learn to reflect on the power of the words we use to either build or destroy camp culture 
  • Participants will learn how to use language that communicates respect and protects dignity of all who are part of the camp community
  • Participants will receive tools they can use to teach these concepts in their own staff trainings.

Bio: Dr. Brandon G. Briery is a Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychologist by education and training, and a camping professional by choice. He has published research on the benefits of camps for children with special needs and has spoken at national and international camping and psychology conferences. He has been involved in camps for children with cancer and other special needs since 1992, and has been employed by Camp CAMP (Children's Association for Maximum Potential) since 2007, serving first as Camp Director, and currently as Executive Camping Director.





Key Supporters

We cannot accomplish our goals without their support, involvement and enthusiasm.


Care Camps Northwestern Mutual Aflac Childhood Cancer Fun Express myCampapp