COCAcon 2024

 November 14-17, 2024

The Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA









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The Media: Friend or Foe? - Dave Smith, Robin Cardillo


Summary: What's so bad about publicity? What's so good about it? Do the benefits of media coverage outweigh the potential for disruption to the camp schedule? Come voice your opinion and hear from camp veterans on both sides of the media fence. Let the civil discourse ensue!

Objectives: Participants will hear some of the pros and cons of media visits to camp and will learn how to protect themselves legally and set guidelines to minimize disruption.


Dave Smith is the director of Camp Fantastic and CEO of Special Love, Inc., and serves as an advisor to several pediatric oncology organizations.

Robin Cardillo is the Director of Development at Special Love and has more than 20 years experience in marketing and public relations. However, the real expertise in the room will come from the vast experience of the participants!

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We cannot accomplish our goals without their support, involvement and enthusiasm.


Care Camps Northwestern Mutual Aflac Childhood Cancer Fun Express myCampapp